Monthly Archives: February 2012

POLITICS!!! and Cultural Relativity


Official Website of France … or something like it.

Political Parties in France: with candidates for 2012 election

Why am I posting about politics? I mean to some its not very intriguing HOWEVER the film The Artist has been mentioned on several of these links, why? Because believe it or not politics shapes a lot of what we call our native culture. How the government around us functions or controls us influences how we live and interact with each other. At least this is what I believe… that’s why politics are so exciting. Because there are so many people with so many different opinions about what is best for their native culture, country, etc.

The 2012 French presidential elections are going on, as are the US presidential elections. I received an update from my step-grandmother on some of the stuff going on in the political world in America and it made me realize that we only have two functional parties in America… although there are many other forms of political beliefs. For example: the rift in the Republican Party because of the creation/manifestation of a group of people who have dubbed themselves the Tea Party. Although I try to follow the news on the election here in France, it is very hard for me to comprehend. Even if I understood all the words, I’m not sure I would grasp the reason behind them. What underlying cultural foundation is being called into question or being discussed?

When I tried to explain some of the politics in America to my host family I was surprised at how hard it was. Not because I didn’t know the words, but because they didn’t understand the issue, why it was important, how it was positioned in the bigger picture (i.e. why certain issues are hot button topics and others aren’t), and why Americans weren’t concerned with some other issue.

This got me thinking: how much would I learn about the French if I understood their political system… I have no idea people! Because I can’t read or understand that much French. But, it’s something to keep in mind. Not just as I- and I’m assuming others- learn about other cultures, but also because as an exercise it forces you to reflect on your own political system. What you do, or don’t understand about it. Why certain topics are seemingly more important than others, etc. The name of my blog is Cultural Relativity not just because I blindly believe in this philosophy – take an anthropology course if you don’t understand- but because the philosophy creates more conflict in oneself rather than making intercultural experiences easier. The question becomes “Am I reacting negatively to this [X] because I, meaning me the person who embodies my native culture, dislikes it and its a matter of me not understanding this new culture OR am I reacting negatively to it because  …?”… where is the line drawn between one culture and another and can we even reconcile differences between these two cultures given that no matter what anyone thinks it-the thought- is inherently bias because everyone embodies their native culture. Meaning that no matter what one thinks you will be projecting your own culture first and foremost. …at least when it comes to politics?

If you live in another culture for long enough, then you will be able to understand the culture from within itself. And, is this what cultural relativity is? (According to most Anthropologists, yes) Is it not about reconciling differences, and more about understanding them? But then, once you understand them, how do you proceed? (For Anthropologists… what do you do with this research?) Do you work to advance the new culture you’ve acquired?…which would result in you projecting your newly embodied culture onto a situation, bringing us back to the question above…

I don’t have the answers to these questions. I just really like these questions, mostly because they are about what I want to be: an anthropologist. And honestly, I don’t know how I’m going to solve the questions, if I ever will, if I even can. What I do know, is that engaging in discussion about these questions is a good exercise because it forces you to think about what you think…. exactly.

…. isn’t studying abroad grand? You become a philosopher. 🙂



Because I’ve been struggling with how to explain our voting system in the US I decided to look into it. And, of course I wound up at BBC, reading the Glossary they’ve created for US Presidential Elections. The reason I’m posting about this issue on this blog is because going abroad makes you realize how much, or how little, you actually know about your own country. Luckily, from what I’ve read I was correct when I tried to explain the electoral college.

I just read my first chapter in French!!


So, I purchased Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets . I already have number 1 in the States. And, I’m proud to announce that I just read one whole chapter. It took me about 1.5 hours to read 11 pages. 🙂 I’m so proud of myself… because it was hard. There are a lot of words I don’t know…for example: drool, which is brave in French apparently. Not just that but there are soooo many nouns. I knew most of the verbs. There were a few expressionary verbs I didn’t know like “shout, yell, screamed” etc. (Remember this is chapter one of Book 2, no one is nice to Harry.) Also there were some adverbs I didn’t know. But mostly it was nouns. I was actually surprised at how little I had to use google translate. There were a few sentences were I was like “I know every word and I still don’t get this” …and to be honest, google translate didn’t really help much there. Translating isn’t the same as interpreting, and some interpretations go beyond a fancy algorithm.

There are 18 chapters total in this book. I’m hoping that by chapter 18 I don’t need to use any outside aids to comprehend what I’m reading…. we’ll see. 🙂

Skyped the family today!


Usually, I'm sitting there at the table eating breakfast with them. Today was a wrestling match.

Sundays are great days to skype/call/video chat people in France…mostly because everything is shut down. I think I’ve mentioned this before.

Well, today’s skype session was a little different because my little sister told me…the very first thing… “Sarah, I want a big sister to play on the swing set with me.” Well, what do you say to that?! I don’t remember what I said, but I choked back tears. I mean you don’t want to start crying as a response, that just didn’t seem like a good idea. I remember later in the conversation I asked her if she would be the big sister for me while I’m gone. (I have another little, littlest sister who needs a big sister too.) That suggestion seemed to be okay, for now.

I’ve got to think of something else. I’m thinking maybe a treasure hunt game via google maps. In fact, actually I really like that idea. I’ll take pictures of things in Toulouse, or me in places in Toulouse and then put them on a google map and let her find me! Ha! (This idea totally just came to me as I was writing this.) I now know what I’m going to do! We are going on an excursion this upcoming weekend too, so there are more places to find me. 🙂 I hope she likes it!

PS: Dad & Kelly….don’t tell her until I get the map made!! 🙂 Because honestly, I don’t really know how to do this yet.

One Whole Page!


In my new workbook 🙂 Its for ages 8-9 and its freaking hard! I still don’t understand the riddle I got wrong.

So, today my comprehension plummeted. What I can speak in French is increasing…but what I could understand… not so much. I kept hearing whole words as several words and then not comprehending sentences I know I’ve heard a dozen times before.                I’m blaming my stuffed up ears- remember I’m still recovering/still have a really nasty cold. The auditory part is definitely my ears. However, even when I could actually hear all the sounds my brain was like “AAANNNDDD… what do you expect me to do with this exactly?”

Btw- I gave myself a “GREEN” for “GO!”. Only one thing wrong…. and I’m looking at the spelling page like “What is this?” I don’t even know the words I’m supposed to be filling in!!! I got this people, I got this…. tomorrow. After I sleep.


The question mark is in the title because I don’t know if the video links will work outside of France. US television channels don’t allow videos to work. Therefore, will someone in the US, or not in France, let me know if these video streams work? Merci!

These are the websites of French television channels…with programs in French. Some of these programs include Criminal Minds and CSI…in French of course 🙂

My TF1


Ways to Practice French (?): French TV!!!

Best Host-Mom ever!!!



So, over dinner my host mom asked if I thought my French was getting better. I said “Yeah….because when I arrived here in France I couldn’t really speak French well. But, now I can.”

Here’s what really happened: “Yeah…because when I arrived here in France I couldn’t really speak — “pah!pah! Its imparfait!” — “What?” –” ‘speak’ its the imparfait tense.— “Oh! Duh! I just learned that today! (using passe compose, in case you were curious) So, when I arrived here in France I couldn’t really speak French well. But, now I can.” 🙂 …except all in French…

hahaha! So, now I get my pronunciation corrected, I have 3 very “English-speaker” idioms I’m not allowed to say– they don’t make sense in French apparently– and now, I’m being held accountable for passe compose (I don’t know what that’s called in English) and the imperfect tenses… trust me, I’m not complaining. This is wonderful!!! I think it helps that she teaches 3 and 4 year olds, so she corrects language mistakes constantly.. which is great for me!! 🙂

The irony of this conversation is just perfect!